Play Video For Synopsis
Open to Jr high 7th-8th grade and Highschool 9th-12th
Murder Mystery Party Information
Please understand that the murder mystery is a game, not a dance party.
This party is for all you sleuths out there. Let's jump into character and solve a murder mystery.
Coming September 2025,
Timeless Homeschool Events will host a mystery night for high school teens.
So get ready to jump into character; this is an interactive mystery dinner party. This is where your story begins!
This event is a trial run. Keeping it around depends on you, the attendees. If everyone does what they are supposed to do, then we can have a great night. If you don't, it can be chaos; please read everything below before purchasing a ticket. We plan to keep this party for as long as there is interest and we can keep the party orderly. If everyone follows the directions below, this will be an excellent event for years to come.
You agree to all the rules and information below upon purchasing a ticket. Please do NOT buy a ticket before you read everything and understand. The integrity of the party depends on it. If there is anything that you do not understand or have any questions, please email us before you purchase a ticket.
Email and Phone number- Your correct email and phone number are crucial for this party! You will receive all your essential party information via email or text message. Please make SURE you give an active email and double-check to ensure we have the correct email. If we do not get an RSVP email from you after you receive your part, your ticket will be canceled, and your part will be given to someone else.
We ask that you do not attend if you do not plan on playing the mystery game! WE WANT TO KEEP THE GAME'S INTEGRITY AS NOT TO RUIN THE PARTY FOR OTHERS. Do Not buy a ticket if you are not sure you can come! Everyone will be given a part to play; therefore, it is vital that you show up. Emergencies are okay, but we ask that you please call us or email us if you cannot attend. This is VITAL, allowing us time to assign your role to another attendee.
How do Timeless Events acquire the mysteries for the event?
We buy and rewrite them so attendees can't find spoilers themselves and spoil the outcome. *All mystery parties will be somewhat rewritten for originality so that you can't find the ending online, and it won't ruin the party for you or others.
When and where is the murder mystery party? Coming September 2025 (More info coming soon). Huntsville Botanical Gardens
Tickets- Tickets for this have to start and end very early so that the planning committee can get the parts out to everyone well before the party begins. There is tons of prep work to be done with this party, and to do that, tickets must have a strict time limit. Tickets will go on sale for this event in June 2024 (keeping in mind that we only have 50-60 tickets). Tickets will be minimal for this event as we need to do this in smaller groups of no more than 60. If we have interest, we will throw another mystery party with the same theme a few weeks after the first party. We understand that the capacity for this event is meager! If we see more kids being left out, we will throw another, but we must have interest. We want everyone to have the opportunity to experience this unique event.
Dinner- There will be a catered dinner served. Dinner examples could include hors d'oeuvres or tapas, spaghetti, taco bar, etc. Sometimes, food will depend on the theme.
What happens at the mystery party- The mystery party is not a dance! This party is more of a game.
Each attendee will receive a character to play via email. Feel free to dress in character! Shortly after the ticket sales have stopped, you will receive a formal invite with your character information and pre-game instructions (this helps get you into character for party night). You must send us an RSVP email stating that you have received your part and understand everything. You can also use that time to express any concerns or questions. We will email everyone the week of the party; RSVP to that email as well! Once you arrive at the event, you will pick up your round 1 clue envelopes. Each round will have an envelope for your character; inside the envelope are the clue cards and paper money. We will explain what the money is for and guide you through your interactions for the night.
Example of how the night will go.
Rules for the mystery party- PLAYER INSTRUCTIONS You are about to enjoy three rounds of gameplay. Each round, you will receive a card containing the information you need to play your character's role.
ROUND ONE: will break the ice, build your character, and establish motives for the murder. Take time to get to know the other characters and focus on the growing storyline around you. There are two sets of clues on your card: those to reveal as you mingle with others and personal clues to conceal. As in real life, you know more about your character than anybody else in the room. Do not worry. If these secrets about your character need to come out to solve the mystery, they will. However, use personal clues to help you decide how to react to others during the game. You will mingle about with others to engage in private conversations while sharing and discussing your clues. Speak to everyone at least once.
ROUND TWO: the cards are divided into pre and post-murder segments on your clue cards. The motives become clear this round. The players will mingle and discuss their pre-murder clues while the story builds. All of the pre-murder clues are to be shared and discussed. The victim is notified by their clue card and will have instructions on how to become the victim. The victim remains in the game and continues to play like everybody else. After the exciting victim reveal, the investigation begins! Interrogate everybody, view the evidence, share and discuss the post-murder clues on your cards in private or semi-private conversations as you have done previously, and put the story pieces together to make your best guess of whodunit! You never know – your character could be the killer!
ROUND THREE: You’ll be asked to accuse who you believe murdered the victim. It could be any character in the game. If you believe it is your character, you will write your character’s name down as whodunit and accuse yourself. Afterward, you will be handed a solution card. The suspects will read their solutions in front of the group, and the guilty party will confess! DIRECTIVES WORTH MENTIONING: Do not fabricate clues or lie in any way (unless your card specifically instructs you to), as this will spoil the mystery for others. Do not break character until the game is over! Play your role as you wish. If you feel reserved, remain in the shadows and allow others to approach you. On the other hand, if you crave the limelight—seize it and be a star! Have a marvelous time – that is mandatory.
Time may not be accurate. Example Only
6 pm- Arrive (pictures, mingle, meet the other guests)
6:20- Round 1 starts
7:00- Dinner
7:30- Round 2 starts
8:00- Desert
8:30- Round 3 starts; prizes and awards Three prizes will be given. Prizes will be for The Most Money, Most in Character, and Best Costume. The Last two, the all-party quest, will vote via paper ballot.
9:00- Game Over
I want to come, but I'm shy- That's ok; the murder mystery is a great way to break the ice and meet other people! The game makes meeting people less awkward. You can interact with people playing a game and have the same goal as you do, just having fun! You can also let us know on the sign-up that you want a minor part, and we can accommodate it. Give the party a try, and you might leave with a few new friends at night's end.
Do I need a date?- No, but you are welcome to bring a date. You can also come with your best friend, a group of friends or alone. This is a great way to meet new people.
What if we have a change of plans and cannot attend? Can I get a refund?
There are no refunds! Please make sure you can attend before buying a ticket. Please beware of ticket transfer scams! During some events, we have found that a student will sell their ticket to someone as a transfer but will still come to the event and check in themselves. If you buy a ticket from someone else and they have arrived before you and checked, you will not be allowed to enter the event! To counter this, we have switched to a different ticket software that will let the attendees transfer the tickets themselves for a fee. Transferring tickets this way will ensure the transfer ticket is in the new attendee's name and the old ticket is appropriately invalid. If you need to transfer a ticket, please let us know as soon as possible at timelesscommittee@gmail.com so we can help you through the transfer process via Ticketspice. You may also reach out to Ticketspice help section for assistance.
If you have not responded to our emails regarding the dinner party(we will give about a few days, then email you and your alternative email again and or text you; if we still do not hear from you after that, we will notify you of your ticket cancelation, your ticket will be canceled and resold, and your part will be reassigned. We do this because, for the mystery party, everyone needs to show up for the party to happen. If, for some reason, you cannot attend, PLEASE PLEASE email us ASAP so that we can reassign your part. If there is a reason you will be late or something unexpected comes up on or near the party date, please CALL US and EMAIL US so that we can make arrangements for your part. FOR THIS EVENT, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU ARE CONSIDERATE OF OTHERS. The party cannot continue properly without the main character parts being filled. If you no-show without calling or emailing, you will not be allowed to buy a ticket to the murder mystery in the future. Please understand that we are not saying you can't cancel. We ask for your consideration in letting us know via phone or email if you decide not to attend.
Who can attend the Mystery Dinner Party? Do I have to be homeschooled?
All homeschoolers in junior high & high school (7th through 12th grade,) regardless of church cover, school, or address, are invited to the murder mystery dinner. As a high school homeschooled student, you may invite up to two non-homeschooled guests. Every attendee's minimum age is 14; no one may be older than 20 on the night of the Mystery Dinner. (Age Strictly Enforced).
Will there be a professional photographer at the Mystery Party?
No, but we will have plenty of photo opportunities. You may bring your phone and take all the pictures you want. Timeless Homeschool Events will be taking photos for an advertisement throughout the dance. By attending, you consent to using your picture as part of our publicity.
What kind of music will be played at THE. Mystery Dinner Party? Background music relatable to the party. Some parties require mini-games like dance parties, where we will only play radio-edited versions of music.
Will there be chaperones and helpers for T.H.E. Mystery Dinner?
Yes, there will be chaperones along with helpers to help guide you. Volunteers will be stationed to help you if you don't understand something. You will not have to go at it alone. We are here to help! If you feel shy, we can accompany you to ask your questions to another player. Chaperones are selected from adult volunteers at the sole discretion of the Planning Committee. Generally, only those involved in the Mystery Dinner Party Committee can serve as chaperones. If you want to serve as a chaperone for the mystery dinner, please contact us at timelesscommittee@gmail.com.
Are attendees allowed to come and go as they please? Can I leave to run to McDonald’s (or anywhere) and return to T.H.E. Murder Mystery?
No, we need you there for the entire party.
My parents would like to help somehow… what can they do?
VOLUNTEER- We are always in need of volunteers. Without volunteers, the party cannot happen! Email timeless at timelesscommittee@gmail for volunteer information. Parents, this event is a fun and fantastic way to spend the evening. Consider joining us as a volunteer.
Additional Information... Please be advised that security will be stationed at the venue while the party progresses. We will use metal detectors as you enter. If you have a pocket knife or mace, we can put it in a bag with your name on it, and you can pick it up at the security desk after the event. ALL VAPES WILL BE THROWN AWAY! If we catch you with a vape inside our events, you will be asked to leave and banned from ALL timeless events!!
Timeless Homeschool Events has a ZERO tolerance policy for alcohol, drugs, smoking, or misconduct. Our chaperones will escort anyone necessary from the party, and your parents will also be contacted. If you are asked to leave, you will NOT be issued a refund.
NO weapons, including any gun or knife, of any sort, any kind, in any form, are allowed on the premises for any reason whatsoever. Any Violations of the above rules will result in being banned from any of our events!
Public displays of affection are unacceptable. This includes sitting on laps, making out, and inappropriate dancing (grinding, moshing, dirty dancing, twerking, etc...)
Outside food and drink are not allowed.
Any complaints or concerns should be brought directly to a Planning Committee member or chaperone.
Enjoy yourself and be considerate of everyone else!
If you still have any unanswered questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at timelesscommittee@gmail.com
COVID-19​​/Communicable Illness
Everyone’s health and safety is vital to us. All precautions will be taken to protect those attending any Timeless Homeschool Events. By attending this event, you acknowledge that THE will not be held liable for any illness. If you are sick, PLEASE stay home!
Refund Policy: Tickets are non-refundable!